
Benjamin Pasquale


  1. Civil War and Social Cohesion: Lab-in-the-Field Evidence (2013), with Michael Gilligan and Cyrus Samii. American Journal of Political Science. 58 (3).

  2. Politicians, Bureaucrats, and Development: Evidence from India (2017), with Saad Gulzar. American Political Science Review. 111 (1).

  3. Does Political Affirmative Action Work, and for Whom? Theory and Evidence on India’s Scheduled Areas (2020), with Saad Gulzar and Nicholas Haas. American Political Science Review. 114 (4).

  4. Representation and Forest Conservation: Evidence from India’s Scheduled Areas, with Saad Gulzar and Apoorva Lal (2023), American Political Science Review.

In Progress

  1. How Political Repression Shapes Attitudes Toward the State, with Omar Garcia-Ponce.

  2. How Ethnic Quotas Shape Violence: Field Evidence from India